Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finally! REAL Help for the Thoroughly Confused!

I'm back in California, after a summer in Maine, and I've opened my boxes of books, which I mailed from one coast to the other. In one box was my copy of "Ulysses" and the copy of the guide I am trying to use without too much luck: "Ulysses Annotated" I have muddled my way through episode Seven, "Aeolus," and have finished it with great difficulty, literally falling asleep several times while trying to read it. My little Wikipedia outline for "Ulysses" gives this episode very short shrift, and my huge reference book was too detailed to make much sense. I was puzzled from start to finish - about what was going on, what was being talked about. Lo and behold, I just found a FANTASTIC GUIDE TO ULYSSES ON-LINE - something called Sparks Notes, which the rest of the world may know about, but I just had to blunder onto in my desperation for some clarity. I recommend it to all of you who are trying to read along (and I know that there are a few of you, although you are invisible.) Start at the beginning and read on through. It is a dream. Every character, every bit of mythological background or bit of Irish history is clearly and briefly explained, should you need it, but, mostly you get a clear over-view of what is going on at all times. Lordy, Lordy, who is this Sparks and where has he been all my life? I will post my summary of Episode Seven shortly, but I did want to share this very helpful site with you: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/ulysses/

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